Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

here are some autumn shots from moscow.

This is from a bike ride henry i took a few Saturdays ago:

sunlight on a rainy day

School is not that bad. I guess my blog looks so depressing cause it is only when I am burned out or bummed that I actually write on it. When i am today...i rarely have time to sit!

I talked to an Environmental Science student advisor (different than my advisor) and when she saw what my course load was for this fall, her response was "no wonder you are stressed out!" So on that note, she recommended that I do not take as many courses in the next few semesters here. I figured that the number of credits the course has is equal to the amount of course work. Boy was I wrong. Here is my fall schedule:
ENVS 500 Seminar 1 credit
Fish 500 Seminar 1 credit
NR402 GIS 1 Credit
ENVS 502 DS:proposal writing 1 credit
WR 504 iNterdic study 3 credit
FOR462 Watershed.. 3 credit
TOTAL CREDITS 10, total classes 6!!!

Now here is the homework load:
ENVS andFISH 500: presentations in both so the pressure is on while I make the presentation
NR402 atleast 5 hours per week
ENVS 502: some weeks 3 hours, others over 10 hours/ week
WR 504: 2 hours week
For462: 2-3 hours a week.

In other words the classes with the less credits are the most work!!!
So next semester will be different and not so busy. Only 3 courses...3 credits each= 9 credits

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

funny commentary

Oh YouTUBE and my political news addiction.

The infomercial commments are funny but after 2.25 minutes...shut up already.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday, another day

Went to Mccall this past weekend and enjoyed myself greatly.
Friday Henry and I rejoined at Gina's and we had a great pork dinner and conversation. Saturday morning was a walk in Ponderosa Park with Leslie, once again good conversation. Errands most of the day and lots of back and forth driving but my storage unit is now empty. Relief.
Saturday night was girls night out and the soft opening of Foresters. More decent conversation, but it was more of a hello fest, saw many folks I have not seen in a while. Unfortunately, it was another late night and Sunday i was exhausted. Sunday morning was another Bistro breakfast with positive conversations with Odos. then to Violets and on my way home.
Today was a monday and a bit of a let down. I was starting to feel blue almost immediately. why? What is it about here that makes me so blue? the Lack of good conversations? yes. The lack of good friends? yes. The feelings of inadequacy? YES! Being surronded by Doer's makes me feel like a Loser. I am projecting and making assumptions about others here. Feeling a "them" and "me" separation. I went to lunch alone today. Others went to lunch with someone. that is what I am seeing, which leads to my low feeling.
But, today was a beautiful day! The leaves in this town are golden and bright. The sky today was blue and the sun was strong. Temperatures were warm but yet still cool enough a jacket was required. I looked good too.
Pictures...i need to carry my camera everywhere and just push the buttons.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

up for air

For all those who have known me for years, you have heard me complaining about living in a bubble and not being aware of what is going on in the other world from the mountain resorts. Either I have known this and forgotten or never heard the news but Spaulding Gray passed away January 2004. I really enjoyed his perspective of the world and life as he knew it. Hopefully he has found peace in the cold water.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I am deep in the throughs of writing an introduction to my proposal for my thesis project. Wow, what an exercise. It was due on Thursday but now I am hoping for a Monday or Tuesday date. Distractions have been many but they also have been a relief. My focus has been greater after good productive distractions...thank you girls!!!

Politics. Such a negative propaganda. when are we going to get back to the issues instead of mud slinging. I know mud slinging can be fun especially at an outdoor concert in the rain. This mud slinging though goes straight through the old adage 'Sticks and stone may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." In the political arena, a misplaced fart can hurt you.

The clowns we have running for the Republican party scare me. Inexperience, yes Sarah, running a huge economic machine like the whole US requires lots of experience and knowledge. Head of the PTA is not experience. Alaska is a big state and has big issues, but compared to the population of many other cities..not states just the condensed seething decay of cities...Alaska is like running a boys camp, even if you are wearing a skirt.

McCain, well he will probably have to have a jar of glycerine pills on election day just to make sure he doesn't kick the bucket before sitting in the desk. electing him is like electing Darth Vader...war war war. Ugh, have we not enough of it already? that is my biggest complaint about the man, his fraternity style war mongering. fighting does not always help..brains do. What was your class rank?

Now you may be thinking that I am super pro-democrat. Usually i am but this time around Obama has slowly been letting me down. why? compromise and softening of his views. He claims change and environmentally clean energy but has since claimed to endorse some of the worst polluters and environmentally hazardous energy methods...clean coal and nuclear. Where is your back bone? Are you just saying this stuff to get support of oil hungry, energy consuming citizens?

I do not know much about Bieden to comment. His performance on the VP debate was not stellar. He also does not seem to stand tall on his views, always saying what the Obama campain is going to do. Just a bunch of cattle.

Who is there to support the movement toward sustainability? Who is there to lay the heavy hand down and force America to change? Ugh.

what about the independents? Now they have progressive views that I can subscribe to however, I do see the lesser of two evils being a major component of every election. This is america folks, this country was formed with having choice, go to the store and try to buy milk, you have more choices than whole or skim, there is 2%, organic, homogenized, chocolate, half-half, heavy cream....Dairy Gold, Western Family, Tillamook... you get my point.

If you are wondering about your vote....

Monday, October 6, 2008


So let me fill you in with the past few weeks. They have been painful. After returning from Shelley's birthday party, I have been in terrible pain. It was distracting from school. It appears as if everytime I turn around, something is going wrong with my body or there is an external distraction from what it is that I need to be this blog is a distraction and doing dishes is a distraction. Do i really want a master;s degree. ouch, it hurts trying to get one.

I have not done any exercise lately either. my diet has been crappy and although I know better, i am putting crap into my lots of beer! This always happens, I make a decision to do something better for my body and then two days later, i fall back into the bad habits with a vengence.

This past weekend was successful at the study site. The weather was cooperative and we had a motor on the boat. whoo hoo making waves in pea soup. the water is infested with cyanobacteria and looks almost like pea soup. This summer about three warnings have been posted regarding high toxic levels of mycocystin, the toxin that can kill dogs and cattle. Dan was with me and he was a trooper in the cold wet weather. Near the end of the day he was loosing it and so was i, getting a bit delerious.

going to sleep now...feeling fried....


It sure has been while since I have published and it is not for lack of anything to say. School has been keeping me busy and my back has been killing me since last I wrote. I have revanped my desk area to make for better seating and posture at the computer. Thanks to the school surplus, i have a keyboard and mouse for my laptop. $3 each! now I can look up at the computer screen instead of down. I can relax my shoulders instead of having them in the middle of my laptop on the pressure pad/mouseless. This is not saying I am going to write more. I have lots to do for school and I am usually tired at night.... I am so fuckin lame.