Sunday, February 15, 2009

wish list

i wonder sometimes why people get so caught up in needing someone, partner wise that is, that they go to blind dating spots: "women seeking Men". Then I get in situations where I have no one. Like many busy women, we have little time to go out and strut our stuff, and with out the girlfriend there, it feels even more like stalking to go out alone, looking like a starving cougar.
School gets really stressful and I just want a stress release. Here is an article exemplifying why I wish for a few hours with a lusty man.
So those of you women out there that say "go for it" ask the guy. Welcome to Moscow, ID. There are very few available men in any legal age range. Those who are available are looking for a girlfriend and I am not their type (assumed from the rejection or lack of further interest from them) or I am not willing to change myself to fit their ideal.

Gotta get to my statistics homework....

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