Friday, October 1, 2010

Shinning, part 5

I went downstairs tonight.  An innocent trip into the basement to put Scooby to bed.  there, on the wall of the basement was four letters, poorly covered in spackling, a pathetic attempt to hide a threat.

Why? Its like a 1970's horror flick: the female is alone, on a lake, isolated, the phone does not work, sprained ankle, pick your movie, twins at the end of the hall, messages written in lipstick backwards, what the ^*(& was that bump, knock I just heard?
I am sleeping with the lights on tonight.

1 comment:

Fashion Serial Killer said...

the shinning? he he.. you spelled it wrong nerd! Gosh, i'm really curious now as to what happened in that house! maybe they bought it and it was abandoned and some teenage gangsta's tagged the house with slogans..