Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend finally

This past weekend, Todd and I hiked into the Paysaten Wilderness.  The morning we started out (Friday) there was a fresh dusting of snow on the ground, the wind was blowing at the summit/wilderness boundary, and it was cold, really cold. 

The hike started at the top and went down about 2000 feet to the Middle Fork Paysaten River.  From there we hiked back up 2000' to Lake Ferguson for our first night.  Total for day one was 8.5 miles.  My out of shape body was super exhausted.  We still managed to tool around the cirque.  Todd attempted to summit the ridge to look over to a different drainage but the steep terrain prevented it on this day.
 And that was day 1.  Stay tuned for day 2.

1 comment:

Fashion Serial Killer said...

eeeeeeeek.. cold!!! henry was loving it!