The Trinity Alps Wilderness is north of town and the southern area is bound by the Trinity River. We camped in three different spots, along three different rivers. The first night, we found a spot along the Trinity River. Our first exposure to Poison Oak! Oh the cat and dog were all in it. We tried to wash them and us off, but no luck. Within a few days we were an itchy mess.
The second night was redeemed by a camp along Canyon Creek, near the entrance to the Trinity Alps Wilderness. Such a fantastic spot. Even the cat was out exploring. Some major erosive event caused this huge boulder field. The bedrock was exposed in the river, creating fantastic swimming holes. Henry could not resist, he had to play some fetch.
The third and fourth nights, we camped along the North Fork Trinity River, much more calm of a stream. We found a Ponderosa Pine shaded flat up from the river. Old mining items and tailings were present. The water was warm enough, but not warm at all, to wash up and try to get atop the Poison Oak with Technu.
We are in the process of purchasing a cottage home. If it comes through, we will have some acreage and a creek to enjoy, when the area is not burning.