Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall on the Island

There is a plague of huge spiders occurring right now on the island.  The large spiders are geometric, angular, yellow, and did I say huge?  The web deserves its own statement: Large, strong, sticky, and downright not fun to get caught in. I have encountered many of the webs and due to the knowledge of who inhabits the mitt of death, have also screamed as if I was a fly caught and facing doom.
One of these wonderful creations decided my office was a great space to set up shop.  Not sure why.  It is indoors and I have yet to notice a flying bug problem, but the large spider thinks is was a good spot to expend resources to set up shop.  It has been there 3 days.  I have not killed it yet.  As a good friend once said about a black widow living in her bathroom, "we have an understanding, as long as she stays there and I can see her, we can get along."

There it is.  In all its glory, the spider.  While taking this shot, i also took some of the evening view from my office:
Are you jealous?  Living the dream baby, living the dream.

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