Saturday, September 13, 2008

Heart burn

Heart burn, it occurs when I eat to much grease and onions. That is not the type I am feeling at this moment.
Yes, it is the burn of lust in my chest. there is this male person who was nice and way to young, 10 years!! He showed up at the time I did not want to be complicated by men. He was persistent and each time I denied he persisted. It was kinda flattering. One day I gave into temptation and became physical with him. Uh oh, that was a big mistake. Within three weeks I was so confused with what I was feeling. So I decided to go with my feelings and explore the possibilities. Next was the drop. What upsets me so about the drop is just how the feelings of rejection have hung on for quite sometime. Physically there is over 600 miles between us, no contact via email or phone, and our lives are so different. We would not even of been a good match, not a thing in common. so why can I not get this dick off my chest? He was not even that good in the sack.

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