Since i am on a memory lane kick, here are some flyers of shows that i was very privileged to attend. The flyers are courtesy of .P.o.P Citizen Lunchbox.
Yes, this was one of my first shows. So awesome. I did not realize the power of the line up.
Won free tickets to this one. Since I did not have a drivers license my sister Sherri drove George and I to the show. She went in wearing a skin tight white tiger print cotton dress with blonde feathered hair. I recall overhearing two big leather clad men comment "what's with Cheryl Tieggs over here?" hahaaa. Thanks for driving sis.
Both of these shows were hot box sardine fests. Recall I am 5 foot 1 inch. Guess where my nose was most of the time.
awesome! i should look up some of the shows i went to.
Click on the citizen lunchbox link. She has more fliers.
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