Friday, January 29, 2010

Memories of a good time

In late April 2008, I was ending my stay in Arizona and nearing the day I return to Idaho. My good friend Shelley was in Sedona with her family and we planned to leave from there to travel north together. Well, I kidnapped Shelley, brought her down to Phoenix for a night out on the town to get a bit of city before heading back to the hills. This pic is from the morning after...lovely group we are!

In this pic: Ruby ass (top left), Cindy D, Shelley J, Cindy A (middle row l-r), Atilla and Henry (bottom row l-r) at CindyD's old (dusty) place.


Fashion Serial Killer said...

damn that place was dusty!!! good times. good times!

Ms.Lou said...

Good times yes, you have a great sense of style in a home. Good thing you knick-knacks are bizarre, they hid the dust well.