I am deep in the throughs of writing an introduction to my proposal for my thesis project. Wow, what an exercise. It was due on Thursday but now I am hoping for a Monday or Tuesday date. Distractions have been many but they also have been a relief. My focus has been greater after good productive distractions...thank you girls!!!
Politics. Such a negative propaganda. when are we going to get back to the issues instead of mud slinging. I know mud slinging can be fun especially at an outdoor concert in the rain. This mud slinging though goes straight through the old adage 'Sticks and stone may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." In the political arena, a misplaced fart can hurt you.
The clowns we have running for the Republican party scare me. Inexperience, yes Sarah, running a huge economic machine like the whole US requires lots of experience and knowledge. Head of the PTA is not experience. Alaska is a big state and has big issues, but compared to the population of many other cities..not states just the condensed seething decay of cities...Alaska is like running a boys camp, even if you are wearing a skirt.
McCain, well he will probably have to have a jar of glycerine pills on election day just to make sure he doesn't kick the bucket before sitting in the desk. electing him is like electing Darth Vader...war war war. Ugh, have we not enough of it already? that is my biggest complaint about the man, his fraternity style war mongering. fighting does not always help..brains do. What was your class rank?
Now you may be thinking that I am super pro-democrat. Usually i am but this time around Obama has slowly been letting me down. why? compromise and softening of his views. He claims change and environmentally clean energy but has since claimed to endorse some of the worst polluters and environmentally hazardous energy methods...clean coal and nuclear. Where is your back bone? Are you just saying this stuff to get support of oil hungry, energy consuming citizens?
I do not know much about Bieden to comment. His performance on the VP debate was not stellar. He also does not seem to stand tall on his views, always saying what the Obama campain is going to do. Just a bunch of cattle.
Who is there to support the movement toward sustainability? Who is there to lay the heavy hand down and force America to change? Ugh.
what about the independents? Now they have progressive views that I can subscribe to however, I do see the lesser of two evils being a major component of every election. This is america folks, this country was formed with having choice, go to the store and try to buy milk, you have more choices than whole or skim, there is 2%, organic, homogenized, chocolate, half-half, heavy cream....Dairy Gold, Western Family, Tillamook... you get my point.
If you are wondering about your vote....